Noni Powder And Its Benefits

What are Noni and Noni Powder?

Noni is a fruit which is native to India, Southeast Asia, Hawaii, and other Pacific Rim regions. Although it has been used in its native lands for over 2000 years its benefits, healing properties, and nutritional value are just being discovered outside of these areas. The botanical name of this tree is Morinda citrofolia and it is a member of the coffee family. Although the juice and roasted seeds are consumed, its main health benefits are contained in the pulp, which is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, niacin, iron, potassium, and many phytochemicals such as flavonoids, iridoids, fatty acids, and alkaloids.

The Hawaiian variety of this plant has come into use as a dietary aid and is being widely tested for its benefit in treating a variety of health issues. Although the juice has some vitamin C and traces of other nutrients, it is the powder which is made from the pulp of the fruit which really packs a nutritional punch.

How is it made?

Noni is best and most nutritionally sound when it is pure and organic. A powdered form of the pulp is made in one of two ways. It can be freeze-dried, which generally uses the whole fruit, or the raw pulp can be dehydrated. By whichever means the dried fruit is produced, it is then ground into a powder. The powder can be purchased in bulk by weight or packed into capsules and taken as a supplement. The powder is not water-soluble, but many add it to fruit and yogurt for a nutrient-dense power smoothie. There are also juices available which are made from a concentrated extract of the pulp.

What Are the Benefits of Using Noni Powder?

The potential health and nutrition benefits are many. Noni powder is rich in antioxidants, which are an aid in tissue regeneration, and helps to boost the immune system. For centuries it has also been used for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and as a digestive aid. It is a great source of vitamin C and some B vitamins and other beneficial minerals, contains all of the essential amino acids, and is rich in fiber. It helps to lower cholesterol and stabilize triglyceride levels. There are studies being conducted to test its ability as an aid in cancer prevention and also to test its benefit in treating other diseases.

Are There Any Side Effects?

There have been no known side effects reported with use of noni fruit in any of its forms, although some laxative effect has been reported when it is first used. Also read this article for a more detailed info on noni juice side effects.

Where Can I Purchase Noni Powder?

There are many places to buy noni and many noni powder manufacturers also package and distribute the products, guaranteeing quality, purity, and freshness. Dehydrated noni fruit, juice, extract, powder, and encapsulated supplements can be found on the internet and in many health food stores and nutrition centers (check where to buy noni juice article).

02.01.2011. 00:35


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