The Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice: The Ancient Herbal Solution

For centuries, experts in herbal remedy have lauded the numerous and profound healing properties of aloe vera juice. Extracted from the succulent aloe vera plant, this juice preserves the essential vitamins and minerals found in the inner lining and outer layer of aloe leaves. As a result of its diverse nutrients, no single ingredient in the juice serves as the primary source of its remarkable health benefits. Instead, these various compounds often work in concert with one another; consequently, the positive health benefits of aloe vera juice are as varied as the ingredients it contains. Thus, aloe vera may help to heal or diminish an enormous range of ailments and conditions.

The Quality Of Aloe Vera Juice

Although all aloe vera juice can be traced back to the aloe leaf, not all aloe vera products are created equal. In particular, many of the cheaper distributors of aloe vera attempt to dilute the juice with an excessive amount of water. In doing so, these merchants reduce the cost of manufacturing the product, but also decrease the potency of the juice. There are, in truth, some aloe vera brands that do not include aloe vera juice at all. Instead, these companies claim to include a distilled version of the plant, meaning that water is steamed beneath aloe leaves and the generated condensation is bottled and sold. In effect, these products are almost pure water. In many other cases, the water content of supposed aloe vera juice may range from 50-90%. It is important to check the label of all products in order to ensure that your purchase primarily contains aloe vera. However, be wary of a brand that purports to manufacture its product with 100% Aloe Vera. This may, in fact, mean that the content of the extract is 100% aloe vera, but only 10% of the bottle actually contains the extract.

Nutrients in aloe vera juice

Despite these troubling inconsistencies among aloe vera brands, truly reliable aloe vera products remain a very attractive addition to most health regimens. To begin with, the list of nutrients found in aloe vera juice is impressive and lengthy. Aloe vera naturally contains Vitamins A, B2, C, E, and F; it is also a source of calcium, zinc, magnesium, and fatty acids. Moreover, the plant abounds with amino acids, which are the foundational ingredients for protein production in the body. Next, the juice may also serve a strong enzymatic function, allowing it to spur chemical reactions in the body that are responsible for tissue regeneration. Aloe vera is also known for its high concentration of germanium, a chemical element that may positively affect the immune and circulatory systems.

Health Benefits

When evaluating these widely varied health benefits, it may appear difficult to pinpoint the ways in which aloe vera juice can assist a specific individual. However, there are a number of distinct conditions for which aloe vera is known to be helpful. Among these, issues related to the digestive system are frequently cited. It is not uncommon for the lining of the digestive tract to accumulate small pieces of residual food matter over time. When this occurs, the tract's ordinary absorption of nutrients is disrupted. As a result, many affected persons become deficient in essential nutrients, and their impacted colons may cause severe stomach pain and constipation. In order to combat such an uncomfortable development, many herbal practitioners recommend the use of aloe vera juice. The soothing composition of the juice appears to break up these residual food pieces and powerfully cleanse the colon. Additionally, aloe vera is known to serve a similarly cleansing function in a variety of organs, including the kidneys and the bladder.

Aloe vera juice's reputation as a potent pain reliever also extends to many inflammatory problems. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common condition that is characterized by stiffness, swelling, and chronic pain. Although many conventional remedies for arthritis exist, the side effects of these therapies are numerous, including stomach ulcers and osteoporosis. In this case, aloe vera's renowned anti-inflammatory properties may be particularly beneficial. Furthermore, aloe vera juice does not simply relieve the pain caused by damaged tissues; it also aids in their regeneration. The juice contains a great number of mucopolysaccharides, basic sugars that are a vital component of cell regeneration.

Finally, aloe vera juice is also known as an effective immune booster. Acemannan, a basic sugar found in aloe vera, is known to possess antiviral properties and stimulate the immune system. Specifically, this sugar can significantly increase white blood cell counts, thereby fortifying the body's ability to fend off bacteria and viruses. Today, researchers are also investigating Acemannan's ability to combat a variety of cancers, including breast cancer and leukemia. In addition, preliminary studies have even suggested that Acemannan may help to stunt the replication of HIV.

Aloe Vera Juice Dosage And Side Effects

As with any therapeutic medicine, aloe vera should be used wisely and in moderation. In general, consuming between two and four ounces of the juice on a daily basis is sufficient.

Side effects associated with drinking aloe vera juice are rare, but some effects have been reported. These include simple allergic reactions, abdominal cramps (due to the juice's laxative properties), red-colored urine, rash, and nausea. In many cases, these conditions may be a result of drinking the juice in excessive amounts. Additionally, there are a number of people who should take precaution before using aloe vera juice. In pregnant women, aloe vera can cause abdominal discomfort, vomiting, and premature contractions. Furthermore, aloe vera juice may contribute to a lowering of potassium levels in the body, which can result in muscle weakness and an irregular heartbeat. For this reason, children, the elderly, and those suffering from heart or kidney diseases should not take aloe vera. Lastly, the juice may also reduce blood sugar levels; as a result, those with diabetes or hypoglycemic disorders should consult a doctor before drinking aloe vera juice.

In the majority of cases, the use of aloe vera juice is soothing and beneficial; however, those with any concerns should speak to a physician before purchasing the product and tapping into the benefits of aloe very juice.

30.08.2010. 00:22


tania 04.10.2010. 08:21

I do like know how we make the juice.we need mix with same juice fruit?thans

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