Noni Juice Dosage

If you take the right Noni juice dosage you will be able to harness the curative properties of the fruit which can relieve or treat the symptoms of a broad-range of the medical concern. The fruit of Noni, hailing of the places, such as Hawaii and Tahiti, produces a salutary drink which is increasingly gaining the attention of the public.

The recommendations of juice proportioning of Noni change in order to treat specific health conditions and different peoples needs.

Different Kinds of Dosages
First you should go through a probation period which is suggested to be for three days. During this time an adult can take 1 spoon before breakfast and dinner, whereas a child under the age of 16 takes 1 spoon before breakfast.

After the test is complete, the adults can take 2 ounces before breakfast and dinner, whereas the children should take 1 ounce of juice of noni before their breakfast and dinner.

You can reduce this by taking 2 ounces before breakfast and 1 ounce before dining for adult and 1 ounce before breakfast and ounce of 1/2 before dinner for a child.

If you drink noni juice for more that seven months you should lower the amount you drink for a while. Before breakfast and dinner, an adult should take 1 ounce, whereas children are reduced to a portion 1-ounce per day before breakfast.

Noni Juice Dosage to Treat Medical Ailments

Some guidelines are the following: minimum noni juice intake is 1/4 ounce per day; average is 2 1/2 ounces per day, and maximum is 24 ounces per day. You should talk to your doctor before you start drinking noni juice.

Some of the noni juice benefits include: - decreases the symptoms related to the allergies, - improves of the troubles of asthma and digestion, - problems with kidneys, - relieves the tension of the menstruation, - helps to throw the excessive body weight, - improves of the nights without sleep, - help smokers to give up their habit, - decrease the symptoms of arthritis, - decrease the symptoms of depression, - improve type 1 and type 2 diabetes, - and lowers blood pressure.
Again, you should always consult your doctor before you start using noni juice. It can only be considered as a helping hand, when you have health problems. It must never be considered as a substitute for normal medicine.

When Should You Drink Noni Juice?

Most of the time manufacturers recommend that you take your noni juice 30 minutes before eating your meal. The recommended noni juice dosage is around 4 ounces per day. If you are taking liquid concentrate of the juice, then the typical suggested noni juice dosage is much lower - take 2 tablespoons per day on an empty stomach.

25.05.2008. 05:50


K.Charanyanond 27.03.2009. 03:10

Your informations are helpful.At least,we could tried the right way of natural help.

Manickam 28.07.2009. 02:10

whether noni juice will give relief to utrus pain, excessive flow of periods, bulky utrus etc.

Ifti 09.11.2009. 00:48

I am Normal person but highly belive in herbs products, I am 38 yrs old, should I go for Noni juice? Who is the authentic Juice producer of this juice? If i want to marketing this life saving juice can U help me In this regard? I live in Adelaide Australia.

Shiva 15.02.2010. 21:21

Noni juice was sold in attractive bottles at fabulous price of Rs450 per 500ml, at Hyderabad Horticulture show. Not many buyers. Unless its potency is proven no need to spend so much money on it.

Felicia 25.03.2010. 05:06

does Noni Juice help in Primary or secondary infertility? I got a flyer that recommended Noni Juice for such treatment I want to be assurred of this. If any one has testimony on this please help.

Felicia from Nigeria

virginie marie 14.06.2010. 13:45

My mum already affected with breast and Uterus cancer . Can noni be benefit for her.

Diane 18.08.2010. 04:00

Not only do my husband and I take Noni juice but I have successfully treated an abscess on our stallion's jaw bone and rain rot skin condition on a young filly. I bought a gallon of equestrian noni ( same ingredients that are in the noni I take) and soaked his daily portion of grain in 10 OZ morning and night for one week and then 5 OZ once daily for a week and the wound was healed. Care of the wound itself only consisted of hosing it off with water. For the skin condition of the filly she got 5OZ in her grain daily for a week and topical application of the noni to the areas on her skin that were affected. I had a vet tell me that my three house cats had a fatal digetive enteritis that comes from sveral cats living in the same environment and that they would probably all be dead in a year; and that I should not have any other cats for two years after the last cat dies. Well, I would soak 1 tablespoon of noni juice in their dry food daily and added two drops of oreganol and did this for three weeks. My cats are quite healthy and this treatment was three years ago. Personlly my blood pressure and joint pain greatly improved and it definately promotes regularity. We use a shot glass for our daily dose and just down it - you get use to it after a while.

Ambuja Madhu 14.09.2010. 10:07

I am taking Indian Divine Noni for more than 6 months. It has amazing benefits. My blood pressure has become normal. Earlier it was slightly on the higher side. My weight has come down. I am recommending this Noni to many of my friends and neighbours.

If u want to get more details about this Indian Divinie Noni, you can visit This info is especially for Felicia from Nigeria, Shiva of Hyderabad and Ifiti from Adelaide, Australia. If you want to know more about Noni's testimonials, you can send your mail to

Naseer 19.11.2010. 22:22

I had used noni for 3 months 400ml bottle 5ml per day empty stomach and result is I had reduced my weight by 7 kgs. I felt giddiness when I took 10ml, I stopped it, I took only 5ml per day diluted with glass of water. I sweat a lot during these 3 moths and drinked lots of water.

kina 15.02.2011. 16:11

Can Noni Juice bring on a period? I had a baby on Thanksgiving of 2010. I just started my period for the first time since having her. My period started February 3rd and ended February 10th. I got sick recently within the same week and took the Noni Juice. I just started my period again and it is now the 15th of February. Can Noni juice just maybe cause bleeding?

Desiree 14.03.2012. 14:04

I have been bleeding for 10 days after the consumption of Noni juice. I was taking a cap full per day. I discontinued it because I don't want to cause other side effects.

Rev 11.04.2012. 10:17

Could anyone tell me please what should be the true colour of Noni Juice that is retailed.
I am taking Noni Extracto sold by a company called Nutratec
here in Portugal. This is a clear liquid that has only a slight after taste. It is expensive at Euros 28.00 a 500ml
Now I read on your site that Noni Juice should be dark brown, is this correct??

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Disclaimer:All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgment available to the authors, and readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of author on this website. We acknowledge differences in opinion and welcome the exchange of different viewpoints. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. This site is also in no way connected to Tahitian Noni Juice, Hawaiian Noni Juice or any other company.More health resources All you need to know about fish oil benefits, Sleep Apnea Treatments and Rapid hair loss.
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